Just breathing. Perhaps simply taking a moment to notice breathing and the movement of the breath in the body. Taking a moment to “go back to basics” and re-connect with the breath. It is all to easy to seek new experiences and different ways of bringing mindfulness into our lives … and to get carried away with these new quests. It’s also helpful to remember that we already know how to be mindful and that we have a constant, vibrant reminder with us at all times if only we pay it some attention.
Returning to mindfulness is only a breath away.
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Body scan
What graduates are saying…
J writes:
Thank you for helping me recognise my thoughts … and to know that I can choose which ones to follow!
S writes:
I was surprised that I could feel so comfortable with the group … even though they were strangers! I felt very safe and secure in your group sessions, so it was easy to share my experiences (even the difficult ones)
A writes:
You had a delicate way of introducing us to the key skills of mindfulness; and so it was easier to engage with the practice and wait to see what unfolded
N writes:
Thank you for teaching me that everything in life can be a mindfulness teacher
M writes:
Thanks for the motivation and inspiration to get me started on the mindfulness path
A writes:
It has given me a different perspective on life. I feel better for it and I really enjoyed it.
M writes
Thank you for passing on some real life changing tips … especially for introducing me to ‘the bucketful of kindness’. I take it everywhere with me now!
N writes:
I can’t express how much of a change you have brought into my life! Thank you for your dedication.
R writes:
Thank you … it has been challenging but superb!
S writes:
You have literally changed my life. Thank you for running these courses.
O writes:
You have a gentleness and joie de vivre that invites us to walk the path of mindfulness with you.
M writes:
Thank you so much for the care you have shown each of us on the course ….. you are a great example of mindfulness in action!
M writes:
Thank you for being a gentle and truthful teacher. The subtlety of your teaching has really stayed with me … I can at times sit with an awareness and gratitude to my harder lessons in life because of your style of teaching.
V writes:
Thanks so much for the course, which I have gained a great deal from for both myself, my clients and the kids at school. It was a privilege to share the experience with such a warm and engaging group.
M writes:
“I would like to thank you for your insightful, intuitive and profound guidance …. I am really enjoying my (albeit at times, challenging) journey. Who would have thought that 5 minutes of mindful awareness could bring me so much. Above all thank you for your compassion ….. thank you for being such a generous spirit.”
Javier writes:
“… I love it that you walk the talk …”
Sarra Whicheloe, Iyengar Yoga Teacher writes:
“A person who truly cares, Gill is a gentle and sensitive teacher. This course has taught me an essential life skill”. If you would like to contact Sarra, please see her website.
Judi writes:
“What a wonderful course. I very much enjoyed the whole thing and I learned so much. Mindfulness is now my way of life!”
Ian writes:
“Interesting, insightful and have taken away everyday practices that can be applied whenever and wherever”
O writes:
“…. I was worried aboout whether I could remain in silence for a whole day … but the Day Retreat was a delight! Thank you for holding the space open for us in such a gentle way ….”
J writes:
I have found mindfulness to be very helpful with the more difficult things that life has thrown at me [since completing the course] …” (a course graduate on returning to a Follow On practice day)